The Cousins Meet - Lambs 2020

It has been a busy few days here with the arrival of 7 lambs – 3 sets of twins and 1 single.
My registered Teeswater ewe Cailin delivered the 1st set of twins.
Caroline, a first time mom, also delivered twins – one of the births my husband witnessed and actually cleared one of the lamb’s nose off so he could breathe readily.
Nora, a favorite of hand spinners, delivered the 3rd set of twins and her daughter,
Bo-ann followed with a little ram.
Both Sinead and Beatrice are keeping us waiting. Both look like they will also have twins.
While the Moms are busy taking care of their lambs, I am busy taking care of all of them. The Moms drink a tremendous amount of water that I keep fresh and always available. I increase their grain ration and offer lots of high quality 2nd cut hay.
And... I handle all of the lambs daily – highlight of the day!
Check out this slideshow of the cousins meeting and greeting :).