Lamb Weaning 2022
The 1st lambs arrived on 4//30/22 & the last on 5/16/22--a 6 week time span. They will be weaned in another week or so when the youngest reaches 8 weeks old. Weaning can be very stressful .
The Lambs
In addition to the actual weaning, the lambs will receive their first vaccine, a deworming & have their hooves trimmed if needed. They will be moved to an area out of sight from the ewes. They will have hay available, access to grazing & I will watch them closely.
I will make sure they are all eating a little grain, hay & grazing. The lambs will complain a lot for approximately 3 days.
The Ewes
The ewes will need to be watched closely also. I do not want any of them to develop Mastitis--an infection/inflammation of the udder that can be very painful & cause permanent damage in some cases. A damaged udder may not be able to produce the necessary amount of milk to sustain lambs.
To support the ewes thru the weaning process, I limit grain for 1 week. I do not put them on a new pasture. I will supplement their grazing with hay. The ewes will complain for 1-2 days. After about a week, I will put the ewes back on fresh pasture & let them rest & graze after all of their hard work raising lambs.